“Cup Pong” bounces into the latest update of Gamepigeon

By Juansi Santaella — May 8, 2017 — English 4

Screenshots of an actual game.

As part of the recent ios 10 software update introduced last fall, iMessage can now be used as something more than just for texting. Apple introduced a series of little apps that are accessible only from your iMessages. Gamepigeon is one of the top iMessage apps out there with a variety of games to play.

20 cups, 2 balls, and 2 iPhones is all that you need to play the latest Gamepigeon iMessage game, “Cup Pong”.

This game is a digital version of the popular party drinking game known as beer pong. The game is set up with 20 solo cups — 10 on each side– forming a pyramid. 4 cups in the back row, 3 in the next, 2 cups ahead, and a final cup in front.

Player one starts a new game and a message is sent to the opponent. The opponent opens the game and gets two chances to swipe the ball and try to make it into a cup. If the ball goes into the cup, the cup is taken away. If both balls go into the cups, the player gets balls back. Balls back mean both balls go back to the player and they get to try to swipe the balls into more cups. This happens until the player misses. When the player misses, their turn is over and the next player attempts to make it into the other cups. The objective of the game is to make it into as many cups first. If you make it into all of the cups, the game is still not over, the other player can redeem themselves.

Unlike its real life counterpart, once the game is over and a winner is determined, the loser does not have to drink all of the remaining cups left on the table.

This game is available to anyone with access to the iPhone’s iMessage feature, virtually allowing anyone to become that stereotypical party-goer for the duration of the game. This game obviously does not include the use of beer or any other type of liquid, but the fun is still very intoxicating.

I know that after a few games played, I wanted to dust off the ol’ ping pong table and invite about a few dozen friends and have an actual tournament. This game is very fun and I highly recommend everyone to play it. It is a great thing to do when you want to kill some time.

A Heavily Modified Beer Pong Table

With every good thing in life, there is always a critic. Someone who can’t help but disagree  or get offended with everything. I have read many reviews that this game should be banned because it promotes and encourages drinking and partying. But in all honesty, the game is far from that. It is a harmless game that was created to pass time. The one unfortunate thing about the app and the game itself is that it can only be played between two people. I would love to see a “teams” option so that you and a buddy can take on two other buddies in a group chat.

Overall, a good game is really hard to find these days. It has been a while since I have opened my phone just to play a game. In my opinion, player v. player games are very entertaining and that is one of the reasons I really enjoy the Gamepigeon iMessage app.

The game is simple, fun, and best of all: it is 100% free!


Project Update 6

This week, my partner was on a business trip in West Virginia. While he was there I worked on our marketing side. I perfected our website and I wanted to start working on our “Ted Talk” Presentation. When my partner returned we discussed how we were going to put our product on the market. I talked to my mom’s marketing manager and she really liked our product. I decided to pull her chain a little and told her that we were going on Shark Tank. She believed me and she was suddenly very interested. I told her I was kidding and she got mad at me. We ended up having a discussion and she gave me some pointers on how to advertise. We then made a quick outline of what we should do and I put making a commercial on the list. That could be a possibility because i’m really good at video stuff and so is my partner.


Handy Update

As of March 10, 2017, The Handy has undergone a breathtaking transformation. The new design makes the product look less like an English Project and more like an actual product that one would see in an Ace Hardware store. The new design has a clearer glue that makes the product look sleek. As the deadline approaches fast, we are perfecting not only our company but our whole business plan. A big issue for our 1st generation Handy was the durability of the product. So we tried to fix it in our generation 2 model. We noticed a flaw in the product so we tried to fix it. As a result we have an almost completely brand new item. My business partner and I have discussed a possibility of a commercial. This commercial requires a lengthy process. So we will see if it will work out. By the next 20 time Friday, we should have a final product. 0928_oj_glove_ap-1

Humans Of Denmark

11744-woman-sunset-sky-silhouette-wide-1200w-tn“There is a man that has gone through a terrible loss and he is going through some paternal changes. My first love is a man that knows what he wants but doesn’t know anything about love. He is sweet and charming and he is a fair man. He loves his country and his family. I want to marry him but my father and my brother don’t approve. He is a prince. I am of no royalty. My first live is a noble man. I have nothing to offer but myself. My honor and respect is on the line for Hamlet. I trust him but my dad says that he just wants my treasure. My own father. Is he looking out for me? Is he “protecting” me? Why wouldn’t he be happy for me? Maybe if I marry Hamlet, we will become royalty. My family should be excited and proud, but all they can think about is my treasure.”

Hamilton, A lost child

After Alexander Hamilton’s son was killed, He and his family moved to uptown New York. After, he and his wife stopped fighting(because of the affair). Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison wrote a series of 85 letters to defend the constitution under the name of Publius. These were known as the Federalist Papers. In the Presidential race, Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson were head to head in the race. They ended up tying and The tie breaker was Hamilton. He chose Jefferson even though He hated him. Aaron Burr realizes that Hamilton has been the reason why he hasn’t accomplished anything. They ultimately end up in a duel and Hamilton shoots up but Burr shoots at Hamilton. A bullet struck him right between the ribs and killed him. download

Ultimately, Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow is an incredible book that tells a story of a forgotten founding father. I would highly recommend it to anyone!

Sonet 80

O! how I faint when I of you do write,
Knowing a better spirit doth use your name,
And in the praise thereof spends all his might,
To make me tongue-tied speaking of your fame.
But since your worth, wide as the ocean is,
The humble as the proudest sail doth bear,
My saucy bark, inferior far to his,
On your broad main doth wilfully appear.
Your shallowest help will hold me up afloat,
Whilst he upon your soundless deep doth ride;
Or, being wracked, I am a worthless boat,
He of tall building, and of goodly pride:
Then if he thrive and I be cast away,
The worst was this, my love was my decay.


William Shakespeare wrote his 80th sonnet about how he feels discouraged writing his love because he knows that a better poet uses her name in his poetry. This is humorous because shakespeare is famous now but nobody really knows who the poet he most certainly envied is. Shakespeare says her worth is “wide as the ocean is” comparing her importance to shakespeare to 71% of planet earth. Thats an incredible amount. The video of the NYC sonnet projects is set on the USS Intrepid which is perfect because that is in the ocean. He calls himself “a worthless boat” in her ocean of importance. Shakespeare is clearly down in the dumps about this girl and he wants to impress her in some sort of way. The Sonnet project NYC helps clarify this shakespearian riddle by allowing the audience to use the boat and the whole ocean as a connection to this sonnet.

Bastard, Orphan, son of a whore

So far, Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow has been really great. I have learned so many little interesting details about Secretary Hamilton like how he moved several different times. Alexander Hamilton is sort of an ass becaus
e he has an affair with this woman by the name of Maria Reynolds. Her husband actually catches them and blackmails Alex. The worst part is that not only does he bribe James Reynolds but he then tells everyone about it. Alexander’s wife, Eliza is so hurt by it and word gets around. Ultimately Alexander’s kid gets killed because of it but you’ll have to find out how. The book ties into the musical. For example, when you open the book to the dedication, it reads “best of wives and best of women”. Lin Manuel Miranda wrote a song by that title. Little details like that are commonly found in the book that are referred in the musical. img_7319

Handy post #3

Since the last update, Handy inc. has been looking at more business partners and sponsors. We attended the Mr. Clean Cleaning Products annual convention. We brought our prototype along and made many business connections. The product is looking terrific and it is getting ready to be modified and updated. The Handy version 0.2 is getting ready to hit our testing focus group. We learned that The Handy is very strong and can withstand the incredibly sharp teeth and strong jaw of a 100 pound English Bulldog. The Handy also proved to stay together after it was left in hot dishwater for long periods of time. As of now,  the legal team at Handy Inc. have completed the paperwork for the U.S. Patent application. They are also working on Non-Disclosure agreement forms for everyone who has been a part of Handy Inc. in any way, shape, or form. We appreciate all the time and support that everyone has given us. And for that we thank you!2000px-us-patenttrademarkoffice-seal

Alexander Hamilton

img_7295I am reading the book that the hit Broadway musical Hamilton is based on. It started of a bit slow but it was actually really good in the second chapter. Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow is one of the most interesting books I’ve read. It tells the story of a young boy in the Caribbean that got his shot and moved to America. He became George Washington’s right hand man. He finally got his shot at battle and he lead a small group into the battle of Yorktown. He ends up becoming the first secretary of Treasury. He creates the National Bank and assumes state’s debt. He later has a lovely affair with his neighbor and her husband catches them. He ends up extorting him for money. Hamilton gets questioned for the use of his money and he writes what is known as the Reynolds Pamphlet. That really ruined his reputation. He ended up dueling Aaron Burr and we all know what happens then. The book is an incredible book. I highly recommend it.

HANDY Post 2

Update: The Handy Version 0.1 was a successful prototype. We modified it and cut slits in the sponges on the fingers to be able to move them.  The Presentation was a huge success… We Had a FUNNY speech that everyone enjoyed and found humorous. We Got a lot of questions after, unlike the other groups. We felt proud that such a helpful idea can actually become a reality. As of now, Handy Inc. has been working tirelessly to perfect the product before our second prototype hits the investors’ market. The company is strong, gaining supporters each and every day. Just last week we received a call from a certain business partner about possibly introducing the product in a different country. If we can secure this international deal, we could mass produce this product for a very low cost and sell it at a more economic price. We are excited to venture into new opportunities. Stay tuned for more updates. images