HANDY Post 2

Update: The Handy Version 0.1 was a successful prototype. We modified it and cut slits in the sponges on the fingers to be able to move them.  The Presentation was a huge success… We Had a FUNNY speech that everyone enjoyed and found humorous. We Got a lot of questions after, unlike the other groups. We felt proud that such a helpful idea can actually become a reality. As of now, Handy Inc. has been working tirelessly to perfect the product before our second prototype hits the investors’ market. The company is strong, gaining supporters each and every day. Just last week we received a call from a certain business partner about possibly introducing the product in a different country. If we can secure this international deal, we could mass produce this product for a very low cost and sell it at a more economic price. We are excited to venture into new opportunities. Stay tuned for more updates. images

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