Alexander Hamilton

img_7295I am reading the book that the hit Broadway musical Hamilton is based on. It started of a bit slow but it was actually really good in the second chapter. Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow is one of the most interesting books I’ve read. It tells the story of a young boy in the Caribbean that got his shot and moved to America. He became George Washington’s right hand man. He finally got his shot at battle and he lead a small group into the battle of Yorktown. He ends up becoming the first secretary of Treasury. He creates the National Bank and assumes state’s debt. He later has a lovely affair with his neighbor and her husband catches them. He ends up extorting him for money. Hamilton gets questioned for the use of his money and he writes what is known as the Reynolds Pamphlet. That really ruined his reputation. He ended up dueling Aaron Burr and we all know what happens then. The book is an incredible book. I highly recommend it.

5 thoughts on “Alexander Hamilton”

    1. I really am finding the book to be very interesting. The book goes in deeper than the actual musical. I like to think of the musical as a very detailed summary of the book.


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