Bastard, Orphan, son of a whore

So far, Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow has been really great. I have learned so many little interesting details about Secretary Hamilton like how he moved several different times. Alexander Hamilton is sort of an ass becaus
e he has an affair with this woman by the name of Maria Reynolds. Her husband actually catches them and blackmails Alex. The worst part is that not only does he bribe James Reynolds but he then tells everyone about it. Alexander’s wife, Eliza is so hurt by it and word gets around. Ultimately Alexander’s kid gets killed because of it but you’ll have to find out how. The book ties into the musical. For example, when you open the book to the dedication, it reads “best of wives and best of women”. Lin Manuel Miranda wrote a song by that title. Little details like that are commonly found in the book that are referred in the musical. img_7319

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