Humans Of Denmark

11744-woman-sunset-sky-silhouette-wide-1200w-tn“There is a man that has gone through a terrible loss and he is going through some paternal changes. My first love is a man that knows what he wants but doesn’t know anything about love. He is sweet and charming and he is a fair man. He loves his country and his family. I want to marry him but my father and my brother don’t approve. He is a prince. I am of no royalty. My first live is a noble man. I have nothing to offer but myself. My honor and respect is on the line for Hamlet. I trust him but my dad says that he just wants my treasure. My own father. Is he looking out for me? Is he “protecting” me? Why wouldn’t he be happy for me? Maybe if I marry Hamlet, we will become royalty. My family should be excited and proud, but all they can think about is my treasure.”

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